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Why does it take 3hrs to get an xray?

February 7th, 2008 · No Comments

Over the weekend, I somehow managed to dislocate/fracture a finger while playing football. No, I didn’t play in the Super Bowl, but that would’ve been a treat! Anyway, I went to the Urgent Care center at Folsom and between getting the finger checked and an xray, the whole experience lasted an agonizing 3hrs! There were only 4 other patients with me and I expected to be in and out within an hour…1.5hrs at the most.

While in the waiting room, I read the current issue of Time and Comstock before my name was called…30mins wasted there.  While waiting for the doc to show up in the exam room, another 30mins passed by.  Couting the amount of time actually spent with the nurse practitioner and the doctor, I estimate that it lasted about 15-30mins

At least I came out with a fancy splint, huh?


Tags: Family

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