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Why does it take 3hrs to get an xray?

February 7th, 2008 · No Comments

Over the weekend, I somehow managed to dislocate/fracture a finger while playing football. No, I didn’t play in the Super Bowl, but that would’ve been a treat! Anyway, I went to the Urgent Care center at Folsom and between getting the finger checked and an xray, the whole experience lasted an agonizing 3hrs! There were only 4 other patients with me and I expected to be in and out within an hour…1.5hrs at the most.

While in the waiting room, I read the current issue of Time and Comstock before my name was called…30mins wasted there.  While waiting for the doc to show up in the exam room, another 30mins passed by.  Couting the amount of time actually spent with the nurse practitioner and the doctor, I estimate that it lasted about 15-30mins

At least I came out with a fancy splint, huh?


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What a game!

February 4th, 2008 · No Comments

Football was the theme for millions of people this weekend, even those who have never even touched a pigskin and vowed to never set foot into a stadium.  I imagine that supermarkets and malls were the target by these select group of individuals as they figure that there won’t be any traffic around or inside these facilities.  As for me, I played football the whole weekend and managed to come out alive, albeit sporting a new red badge of courage.

On saturday, a few people and I came together for a friendly game at Sac State.  In the course of a few hours of playing, I managed to dislocate/break my ring finger while in a skirmish for a touchdown.  I neglected to remove my ring and the finger swelled up to the point that there’s no way to remove the ring.  Currently, I can still feel at the finger tip, so the nerves are still intact.

Currently, I’m trying to get an appointment to see the doctor and get an xray.  It’s going to fun…

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Merry Christmas!

December 25th, 2007 · No Comments

We wish you a merry christmas!

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What a weekend!

December 11th, 2007 · No Comments

Public Service Announement:

Taking care of 2 kids is a sure way to lose weight. Never a dull moment for sure! Carolyn spent time with her grandmother at the hospital and I took on the kids so she won’t be distracted. Between settling fights and making sure that no one flushes a toy down the toilet, being at home definitely takes work.

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We’re having a girl!

December 10th, 2007 · No Comments

Found out on friday that we’re having a girl, due in April.  She is the first one in my side of the family in 20yrs.  We are very excited about this!!!  Carolyn has suggested naming her “Bethany” and others prefer “April” so I wouldn’t forget her birthday.  (Chances are that she’ll be born early, so “March” may be a better name)

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Mickey’s first steps

November 19th, 2007 · No Comments

This last weekend was a little more exciting than usual…Michael took his first steps!  He took a couple steps, then sat down…preferring to crawl instead of balancing on two feet.  Just a matter of time until he’ll be running.  I’ll give it until New Year.

On a side note: 3 more weeks of school left!

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Important note about school and work

November 2nd, 2007 · No Comments

Don’t ever take a full load with a full time job because you hardly get any sleep and the weekends are spent mostly on doing homework and studying for midterms. Well, in addition to spending quality time with family and keeping up with technology developments.

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I like Chase Customer Service!

October 10th, 2007 · No Comments

I just got off the phone w/ Chase because they sent me a $15 check to try out their fraud detector plan for 1mo free.  I have multiple chase accounts, so these checks add up.  Anyway, I was calling to cancel and the Customer Service Rep (CSR) sounded irritated because I had 4 accounts open.  After a few mins of hearing her type away w/o saying anything, she said “everything has been cancelled and to avoid this in the future, stop cashing those checks. Bye”  then hangs up.  I just had to chuckle after that and resolve to keep cashing in free $. Thanks Chase!

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September 29th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Decided to completely revamp the site after the upgrade of the gallery software somehow went awry.  Been meaning to do it for a while now, but I figured that if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

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Crazy work and school schedule

September 27th, 2007 · No Comments

September 27, 2007
The last few weeks has been a whirlwind because of a demanding school schedule and normal life events that occur in one’s life. With Cell Bio and General Chem this semester, I have lecture and lab 4nights per week. By the time I get home, it’s time to go to sleep and repeat the same balancing act once again. I’ve been trying to keep in touch with a few friends for support, but haven’t heard a peep from them in a while.

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